The process began with a regular manicure and then the Shellac-ing began. The application process is similar to regular polish, but you dry your nails under UV light for about 1 ½ minutes after each coat of Shellac is applied. The UV light cures and hardens the Shellac, otherwise it will become soft and sticky after about 3 days. Four coats are applied – a clear base coat, 2 coats of colored Shellac and a top clear coat. The manicurist said the Shellac dries so completely under the UV light that you could Shellas your toes and then lace up your sneakers and go jogging immediately after the process.
Shellac isn't "bullet-proof" and how well you take care of your nails determines how long it lasts. As with acrylic tips or regular nail polish, the rate of your nail growth is going to affect how long the beauty of the Shellac-ing lasts.
Nikki was pleased with how long the Shellac lasted - it looked good for over a week. She typed a lot, washed her hands quite a bit, and washed a few dishes in hot water and a little bleach and the Shellac lasted through all that. After about a week, she could see the space between the polish and the cuticles was widening as her nails grew out. As of day 10, she noticed that the polish began lifting off one side of a nail. It didn’t last 14 days for Nikki.
The Shellac is removed by soaking nails in acetone for 10 minutes. The residual softened shellac may be removed/scraped off with an orange stick or cuticle tool.
All in all, Nikki liked her Shellac experience and would do it again.
Nikki’s Shellac manicure was $35 at the Sensia Studio & Japanese Day Spa. For more about Shellac or to find a Shellac manicurist in your area, visit Creative Nail Design.
For more about Nikki Johnson, The Millionaire's Assistant™ visit www.assistantnikki.com, follow her on twitter or find her on facebook .
Thanks so much for your review Nikki!!